Kenosha Racine Atheists and Freethinkers

KRAFt began in 2013…

when a group of Separatists from the Milwaukee freethought community sought to reduce their commute to atheist events. Thusly was the Kenosha-Racine area’s first secular association born.

Her Defining Mission…

became clear when it was revealed the Kenosha School District was sending children to Creationist Enclave Camp Timber-Lee in East Troy, WI…

…for a “science” field trip!

The Effort Expanded…

as KRAFt became involved in a number of community building and activist endeavors: Conferences, Counter-protests, Charity Drives and Establishment Clause Violations.

Road sign: Adopt-A-Highway Sponsor: Kenosha Racine Area Freethinkers

In 2015…

KRAFt joined the Freedom From Religon Foundation, based in Madison, as the only local chapter in Wisconsin.

KRAFt member Rob Moore and FFRF President Dan Barker

In 2018…

we forced Kenosha Unified School District to remove Bible verses and other Christian propaganda from a fourth grade “enrichment program” classroom.

In 2019…

we stopped the County of Racine from giving $50,000/yr of taxpayer money to evangelical indoctrination ministry “Youth For Christ” as a community grant

In 2021…

we became an official chapter of American Atheists: the original secular champion begun by Madeleine Murray O’Hare to fight prayer in schools!

In 2023…

our crack trivia team won the state championship, bringing in $1,000 for our local charity partner, Women’s and Children’s Horizons of Kenosha!

Join Us…

all year round for different activities! Fundraising, festivals, movie and game nights, holiday parties and social gatherings. Something is always afoot!

Middle aged white man in colorful shirt sends a bowling ball down the alley, photo appears to be taken from scorekeeper's perspective
A T _ _ _ _ M : What's missing? ... HE IS.
RELIGION. It's not EVIL. It's just Myth-guided. (images showing Moses with the Ten Commandments, Jesus on the cross, Mohammed, and planet earth. Myth, Myth, Myth, ... HIT!)